How to Keep Your Residential Plumbing System Clear

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Aside from hiring professional plumbing services from our team here at Moody Plumbing Inc., prevention is the best thing you can do for a clogged residential plumbing system. While your home’s plumbing system will naturally experience clogs and other issues as time goes by, there are steps you can take to take care of your plumbing system and help it stay clear. Here are some of the best practices for keeping your residential plumbing system clear.

How to Keep Your Residential Plumbing System Clear

  • Dispose of kitchen grease wisely. Your leftover grease from cooking shouldn’t go down your kitchen sink. Grease easily builds up in your kitchen pipes and causes clogs, so rather than pouring excess kitchen grease into your kitchen drain, pour it into a metal can and put it in your trash can.
  • Use body wash over bar soap. Bar soap produces scum that will deposit into your residential plumbing system’s pipes. This scum will build up over time, leading to frustrating clogs. Switching to body wash for your baths and showers is much better for your plumbing system because it doesn’t produce this scum.
  • Run hot water after washing dishes. Hot water is better at pushing leftover food and other potential clog-causing pieces down your drain safely. Simply running hot water down your kitchen sink for about 20 seconds when you’re done washing dishes can help send these pieces along their way.

Keeping your residential plumbing system clear doesn’t have to be difficult, but sometimes, clogs will happen even when you take extra precautions to take care of your plumbing. When clogs happen, reach out to us for the best plumbing services around.